Export Data Log

From the Instrument View, Trace Data, and Measurement view, you can export data log from the Oscilloscope application. You can export a data log even if the oscilloscope is currently acquiring measurements.

By default, export operations are stored in the "Documents" folder on your computer and are organized by instrument type.
For example – C:\Users\<user_name>\Documents\Keysight\PathWaveOscilloscope\Exports\.
You can also export an offline data log from the Offline Data Log Viewer or a loaded waveform file from the Offline Waveform File Viewer.

Exporting Data Log to a File

For Trace Data and Measurement view, click , then select "Export Data Log".

You can export a data log from the application to Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) format or CSV (comma-separated values) format. To select the desired export format, use the "File Type" drop-down as shown below. Click here to see an example of trace data log exported from the Instrument View.

Below are the Export dialog details:

Export File Details

File Name - The default file name has a "Trace" prefix followed by a numeric index. For example, Trace 0. To change the default name, click on the existing name and edit it.

Export Path - The currently selected path for saving the file on your computer. To change the path, click "Browse" and browse to a different path.

File Type - Select the desired export file format. Select from Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) format or CSV (comma-separated values) format.

Trace Data Summary

Number of Traces - The number of traces in the data file.

Total Samples - The number of samples in the data file.

Export Options

Column Separator - For exports to a CSV file, select Comma (,) (default), Semicolon (;), or Tab as the column separator.

Include Setup Text (For Trace Data view only) - Include the instrument's measurement configuration with the exported data. Click here to see an example of a trace data exported with the "Setup Text" included.

Export Multi Captures From (For Trace Datalogging mode only) - Select to export the multiple captures. Enter the range of multiple captures in the field. The number of captures is the same as shown on the Data Preview Bar.