Export Data Log
From the Instrument View, Trace Data, and Measurement view, you can export data log from the Oscilloscope application. You can export a data log even if the oscilloscope is currently acquiring measurements.
For example – C:\Users\<user_name>\Documents\Keysight\PathWaveOscilloscope\Exports\.
Exporting Data Log to a File
For Trace Data and Measurement view, click , then select "Export Data Log".
You can export a data log from the application to Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) format or CSV (comma-separated values) format. To select the desired export format, use the "File Type" drop-down as shown below. Click here to see an example of trace data log exported from the Instrument View.
Below are the Export dialog details:
Export File Details
File Name - The default file name has a "Trace" prefix followed by a numeric index. For example, Trace 0. To change the default name, click on the existing name and edit it.
Export Path - The currently selected path for saving the file on your computer. To change the path, click "Browse" and browse to a different path.
File Type - Select the desired export file format. Select from Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) format or CSV (comma-separated values) format.
Trace Data Summary
Number of Traces - The number of traces in the data file.
Total Samples - The number of samples in the data file.
Export Options
Column Separator - For exports to a CSV file, select Comma (,) (default), Semicolon (;), or Tab as the column separator.
Include Setup Text (For Trace Data view only) - Include the instrument's measurement configuration with the exported data. Click here to see an example of a trace data exported with the "Setup Text" included.
Export Multi Captures From (For Trace Datalogging mode only) - Select to export the multiple captures. Enter the range of multiple captures in the field. The number of captures is the same as shown on the Data Preview Bar.